Caitlin Hughes
  • Healthcare Administration
  • Class of 2017
  • Lexington, MA

Caitlin Hughes Joins Stonehill Chapel Choir

2015 Mar 26

Caitlin Hughes, a member of the Class of 2017, is a member of the Stonehill College Chapel Choir.

The Stonehill Chapel Choir consists of both singers and instrumentalists of all faiths who provide musical leadership for the college's primary liturgy, the 7:00 pm Eucharistic liturgy on Sunday evenings in the Chapel of Mary.

The students involved in the Chapel Choir become a close body of people who experience development in musicianship, an understanding of the nature of sacred music, and the rich Christian experience that Campus Ministry provides.

The Chapel Choir provides music ministry at the majority of major events on campus including the Welcome Mass, the Mass of the Holy Spirit, the Baccalaureate Mass, Lessons and Carols, Lenten Tenebrae, and Gaudete liturgies. Individual students provide music ministry to several parishes in the Fall River and Boston Diocese, sharing the skills and knowledge that they learn while participating as members of the Chapel Choir.

While music remains the principle discipline of the Choir, the group is committed to ministerial education for its members throughout the course of the academic year. Retreats, fellowship and liturgical ministry are the interdisciplinary dynamics that contribute to the liturgical life of the Chapel Choir.